Saturday, February 10, 2018

Two Birds One Stone...

Most of us spend our time and energy making already wealthy people more wealthy. As the world turns we keep it spinning with our minimum wages sacrificing our health, sleep and countless hours  we'd rather be spending time just living and enjoying our hobbies.
I've always used my artistic abilities to express how I feel and my personal view of the world through music, drawing, and designing. As a kid I always had a notepad and a ruler, or I was scribbling on my homework. Art easels, painting kits, and drafting tables, give me some erasers and a comic book and I was entertained for days. You can imagine my excitement when I discovered you could do all that and then some on a computer.
As kids its easy to get lost in creativity without repercussions, as an adults with responsibilities we are force to focus more on working to survive and less time figuring out how to make our day dreams come to life. Clearly the solution is to find a way to get paid for bring those day dreams to life...

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